“I am so touched by your poetry! I love the way you capture so much with so few words. I can feel your poetry in my body as I read. Some of the poems so clearly reflect my own inner landscapes, revealing them even more clearly to myself. Thank you for this wonderful gift, inspiring and generous. Very you!”
“Your poems bring me back to the energy of the workshop in an instant.”
“Your poem strikes home: the case I brought in was close to me and in your text I recognize the vulnerability I experienced in the situation. your poem is powerful and I will keep re-reading it. Well done!”.
“This is a special and beautiful harvest of our workshop, the exchanges and the togetherness. It is wonderful how you managed to reconcile the personal with the whole. I am not only impressed, but especially moved by the beauty and accurate observations in your poems.”
“This poem sent shivers down my spine. It is the most wonderful gift I could think of.”
“I have been touched again, reading your poems. They remind me of the fire and the rose. Awaken the dance of love and passion. Thank you for this precious gift.”
“Thank you so much for this poem, a wonderful entry for our workshop.”