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I Shall Light My Heart

If you are wondering what my "why" is, have a look at this poem. I wrote it initially in 2009, then converted it into a song in 2019. The song was performed on "Neighbours on Stage", a local initiative for…

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The Power of Reframing

A friend texted me while I had a light form of COVID-19 and created a decisive shift in how I felt sick. I had been out of action for a week, and although I was getting better, I liked to…

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How One Poem Changed Me.

On Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016, at 9:11 a.m., a bomb explodes in a Brussels metro station. A good friend of mine, Johan, goes missing. The ripples of blind violence have just hit me, and I am devastated. Throughout that day…

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En appliquant la technique d'échauffement à la créativité "Habillez le mot" décrit dans l'épisode 6 du Podcast "Switch On Your Life", j'ai composé ce texte.  La deuxième partie du poème est une variante à la technique. Cliquez sur l'image pour…

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If I were a virus

If you were a virus, what would you like to spread in the world? Here is my reply in the form of a poem.
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Good morning

A tip for having great days:  imagine the positive scenario of the best day you can have, imagine the sensations, the emotions, the energy, the resilience and the balance between activity and rest, interactivity and solitude.  Imagine who you want…

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Flesh, Blood Love

Poetry for the Living - Gifts for the Spirits 67 poems arranged in three parts: Soham (about the "I", us as separate individuals), Namaste (about the relationship of an "I" to a "you"), Ubuntu (about the wisdom of mankind and…

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Keep Rolling on

Inspiration comes from anywhere and may lead anywhere else!This song was triggered by the cat we had recently adopted running through the open window. The basic text and musical line of the song were immediately present. With Jo Toudje and…

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