I am looking forward to our conversation about welcoming disability (our own and of others)…
I Shall Light My Heart
If you are wondering what my “why” is, have a look at this poem. I wrote it initially in 2009, then converted it into a song in 2019. The song was performed on “Neighbours on Stage”, a local initiative for professional and amateur musicians. There are no proper recordings of the song – yet!
Here is the text in full:
I shall light my heart
So that it would glow
And show me the way
So that I can grow.
I shall light my heart
So you’d hear its song
And feel the pulse,
Both growing strong.
Shine true, my heart,
Shine all the time,
Shine through the night
Shine far and wide.
I shall light my heart
So you’d switch on yours
And allow us to shine
For those in the dark.
When we light our heart,
One heart at a time,
We ignite the world
And make it our home.
Shine all the time,
Shine through the night
Shine far and wide.