Witnessing how one can be both strong and vulnerable at the same time is what touches me most. I love understanding the human psyche.
Listening to the stillness, to what is underneath the surface and giving it a creative expression, is truly my super power – in everything I do.
I am a person with multiple vocations, or projects at the same time: a “slasher”, a polymath.

Leadership, effectiveness, personal and professional development, volley-ball, coaching, writing, singing, facilitation, juggling, electric vehicles, collages, self-leadership, organic leadership, polarities, communication, poetry, songwriting, tennis, games, perspectives, imagination, resilience, playfulness, #Weshallstandforlove, intervision, coaching circles, learning skills, process, photography, hope, tetralemma, psyche, soul, ancestors, creativity, inner world, expression, stories, harmony, ukulele, Dixit cards, trial & error, continuous improvement…
A Belgian national, based in Brussels, I have a Master of Arts in Germanic Philology (English – Dutch) with aggregation (teaching).
I started my training and coaching career in September 1999 (though I was already training people before that!). I work in close cooperation with several training partners, and with a large network of experienced facilitators for ad-hoc projects.
I work mostly in French and English, and regularly in Dutch.
Check out the relevant pages on this site and my LinkedIn profile for more details on my work and credentials or contact me for a conversation.
I am the author of several books:
Entraînez-vous au succès, Trois clefs pour la réussite personnelle et professionnelle, in French, available as an e-book at Bookboon
Step into your Life, Poetry of Change, book of poems in English, published by Universitas (Uni van 1991 NV), available here.
Entre dans la vie, De la poésie pour vivre et grandir, book of poems in French, published by Universitas (Uni van 1991 NV), available here.
Flesh, Blood, Love, poetry for the living – gifts for the spirits, book of poems in English, available here.
My poems are published in professional and personal development books.
I host workshops for exploring our inner world through writing poems or songs, and making collages. Participants enjoy these workshops because they will have produced something at the end of the session, while reflecting about their life and learning about the creative process.
Advanced workshops delve deeper into each person’s systems to heal patterns and to find new generative solutions for themselves and their context.

Through the initiative of Vincent De Waele, I was one of the first person to host Hoffice sessions in Belgium at my home. It is like tele-working together with a group of people in the same place. We start out with a check-in and setting our intention for working and for sharing. We work in sessions of 45 minutes and we take our breaks together. At the end of the day we check where we are with our productivity and sharing. The mix of working with focus while meeting and sharing is always inspiring.

Using my skills as a poet, I started writing lyrics and realized I also had melodies with my texts. Learning to sing and to play the ukulele are further improving my musical skills. Having met a talented musician and composer, we challenged ourselves to create and present 6 new songs to a neighborhood party in record time. We got wonderful musicians and singers to play with us in our band, Dothy et les Voisins, each bringing their unique voice to the whole.
I started playing volley-ball in my early forties. Learning the game from scratch was an excellent training for patience and determination! In addition to playing as a setter, I am managing the mixed team in the Leisure competition. I am grateful for the team of 12 wonderful players, who all contribute to our development as a team and to me becoming a better coach. My volley-ball adventures provide many stories and metaphors that support my coaching and training clients.