On Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016, at 9:11 a.m., a bomb explodes in a Brussels metro…
Can Love change Hate? Open Mic
On June 15th, 2016, I was one of 16 potential TEDx speakers chosen from 40 candidates to pitch their talk for 3 minutes in Deventer, Netherland. The audience, almost 200 strong, voted for their three top favorites, and I was lucky to be one of the top three. So, together with Rob Tuitert, designer of a new generation of play equipment, and Fransje Immink, an art teacher building a community of pioneers with students for people in crisis situations, I received an invitation to speak at the TEDxSaxionUniversity Conference in November.

You can find the 3 minutes pitch on my Youtube channel – with subtitles in several languages.
TEDx conferences are TED-like events held worldwide by local, independent individuals, organizations and communities. TED‘s mission is to provide a platform for “Ideas Worth Spreading” and to support initiatives that leverage the power of ideas.
” TEDxSaxionUniversity is an international stage for people with inspiring ideas from and around Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. TEDxSaxionUniversity is an independently organized TEDx event.”
I warmly and highly recommend the team at TEDxSaxionUniversity : they make sure to provide the best experience for the speakers and the audience, with high demands for quality and relevance, while working with passion and generosity.